The idea of a green closet has not been around for a long time but people in the fashion industries are figuring out ways to make this possible. Bags, wallets, slippers are some common things that are already in the market. Along with them apparel for babys, teens and adults are coming out every day but they are hard to find and sometimes impossible especially for plus sizes. About.com talks about why Eco-friendly is so hot and the reasons why people should consider them...
- One of the important aspects of eco-friendly clothing is that it is good for our environment
- Can be expensive than regular fabric but lasts longer
- People who are working on these apparel have healthier working conditions
- Consumers health is also profited as harmful chemicals and bleaches are not used
- Natures beauty is reflected in the fabric making it look good even without other details
- Recycled materials and natural elements make you look more stunning than artificial fabric
All the points above are summed up very well by fashion designer Linda Loudermilk - "We aim to give eco glamour legs, a fabulous look and a slammin’ attitude that stops traffic and shouts the message: eco can be edgy, loud, fun, playful, feminine (or not) and hyper-cool.” With that being said its time to look at some green fashion items before heading out to the mall...
Butterflymama.com is one among the various shops that offer eco-friendly clothing and accessories. What is better than wearing a Country Meadow Dress on a warm day at the beach? This dress comes in either earth tones or in jewel tones for an affordable price. If you don't prefer wearing a dress to a beach then go for something close to the Morning Dew Top. Add a comfy shorts to it and you are ready for a comfortable, relaxed and lazy day near the lovely oceans or just in your backyard with nature on you! Add to that a nice Recycled Corduroy Diamond Patchwork Wanderin' Backpack which is also available in two tones. Right now this bag would be ideal to take your swim suits and sunscreens but in a few years this will be your lifesaver when you have kids that can get into the worst situations. The Fair Trade Peaceful Land Stone Necklace will accent any outfit and brings out the beauty of nature. To complete the look, add a Teerasoles Rainer and showoff your trendy look and boast about the fact that you are saving the environment at the same time!
Hope you start thinking about Mother Nature next time you buy a dress...
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